Sunday, April 3, 2011

A List: Top 10 Tearjerkers

Hello lovely person who happens to be reading this. So I love lists. I'm thinking about doing a series of them on this blog because they're fun and don't suck up a whole lot of time. Which is awesome, because the month of April has unfortunately promised me minimal free time. It has however, given me hours of AP studying to look forward to. April sucks.

Also, lists will hopefully create a better picture of who I am, a good thing since I have never formally introduced myself. Hi! I'm Jaime. Well, enough with the long introductions. List numero uno...

Top 10 "Tearjerker" Films (In no particular order)
1. E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
2. West Side Story (1961)
3. The Notebook
4. A Walk to Remember
5. Dear John
Hmmm...I'm noticing a pattern. Well I don't care if Nicholas Sparks' movies are cheesy. I love cheese! Who doesn't love cheese? Cheddar is my favorite, but I also like swiss OKAY! Joke taken too far.
6. Dead Poets Society (1989)
7. Slumdog Millionaire
8. Fiddler on the Roof (1971)
9. La Vita รจ Bella (1997)*
10. Pan's Labyrinth

Not sure why I put the year next to some of the older ones, I just felt like it was necessary for some reason. I hope these lists prove to be mildly entertaining, but even if they're not, I probably won't stop doing them because they are just too much fun! There is something so satisfying about seeing the names of a collection of things you love lined up neatly on a page.

I could go on for an entire paragraph about any one of these movies and highly recommend all of them. Write some suggestions of movies that make you cry in the comments so I can rent them!
Thanks for reading, best wishes!

* It just occurred to me that this movie is a comedy, at least in part. But I just remember watching it and being deeply moved by its timeless message of unconditional love and sacrifice. It made me cry, it stays on the list.


  1. I cry every time I watch A Walk to Remember and I love Slumdog millionaire. You should watch Selena if you haven't seen it. I've only seen it once, but it was so good and the ending was so sad I haven't watched it since

  2. Thanks! I actually really enjoy sad movies for some bizarre reason.
